Everything for my first firing is in the mail! I ordered my pyrometer and thermocouple from Omega Engineering and my posts and cones from Laguna last week. My shelves finally came last week too, so, unless something happens (knock on wood) the firing is still scheduled for the 29th through the 30th.
This picture shows one of the vases I made for this firing, and a little of what my small studio looks like. I had this shape in my head for a while, and I finally figured out how to make them. I'm not going to glaze them; rather, I am going to let the texture of the clay show, and will see what the ash will do to the raw surfaces. I also made a couple dozen small teabowls to spread throughout the kiln to see what effects the different areas of the kiln produce.
One more load of wood (just to be safe), a little more glazing, plus some minor work on the kiln is what I can do while I'm waiting for my deliveries. Check back - I will be updating!